God has set before us eternal opportunities in Southeast Asia, where a vast move of God has been steadily growing deeper. Our vital assistance will provide the supplies and assistance needed to empower the national church in this region.

Empower will be assisting the Church in South East Asia in the following ways:

  • Establishing Bible Training Centres for young pastors and church planters in 30 jungle villages of Vietnam (television screen, computer, electric generator, and satellite dish = $1,000/village training centre). Each location will train 15 young workers virtually from a training facility in Saigon or Hanoi. Because of the overwhelming need for pastors, the three-year Bible course will be compressed into one year, with the students studying six days each week.
  • 30 Motorcycles ($900 each) to speed church planters on their long journeys in Laos and Cambodia.
  • 50 Mini Farms (only $350/​Mini Farm) in Laos, for pastors in areas that have been devastated by the effects of Covid. Livestock, pigs, frogs, fish, farming equipment, seeds, and seedlings will all help provide food for the pastors and their families.
  • Bibles and New Testaments for believers and seekers in various ethnic languages in the region.
  • Financial support of hundreds of national evangelists ($40/​month) to travel into unreached areas of the countries by foot and motorcycle.

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