Empower Ministries is:

  • registered as a Canadian charity and all gifts to the ministry are tax deductible.

  • certified as a member of the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities*.

  • governed by a dedicated and active Board of Directors made up of professionals, clergy, and business people, who bring a broad range of expertise and a wealth of experience to the Ministry.

  • complying fully with the rules set forth by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for participation in international projects.

  • wisely investing the funds entrusted to us by our partners in ministry. 

  • We do not own any buildings or incur any debt.

* Empower Ministries is a member of the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities and adheres to its stringent and ethical guidelines. In addition, we are committed to using as much of each donation as possible to help believers overseas. Please know that when you partner with Empower Ministries, your donations do make a huge difference in the lives of people around the world.

Be assured that Empower Ministries has never engaged any third-party fundraisers.

<p>The Canadian Centre for Christian Charities logo</p>