Middle East and North Africa
In the Arab middle east and North African countries today, there is a growing hunger for religious truth.
Vast numbers of people are increasingly filled with disappointment, anger, hopelessness, and in general, questioning their religious beliefs and way of life. As God moves in the lives of these searching people, opening their eyes to see that He is an approachable God, it is our privilege at Empower to strengthen the ministries that are reaching out to them.
This region of the world comprises 22 countries. It is also the region that predominantly has one main religion – Islam. The people and countries of the Middle East and North Africa, (known as MENA), are culturally diverse but at the same time, they share a primary language – Arabic.
Christian believers and Christian churches in some MENA countries are considerably populous and in others, they are almost non-existent. For example, approximately 12% of the population of Egypt is Christian. Whereas in Yemen, there are only a few hundred Christian believers.
Islam, whose followers are called Muslims, is the predominant faith of 315 million people in this region. This is approximately 20% of the world’s Muslim population. Within this Islamic community, there is a contingent of followers who are vehemently hostile towards other religions, especially Christianity. This has meant that over the centuries, and especially today, there has been a growing swell of persecution directed toward followers of Christ. Physical persecution of believers, burning of Christian church buildings and businesses, as well as general harassment and severe restrictions, are commonplace today. In some countries of heavier persecution, numbers of Christians have fled to other regions or countries. Overall, Christians remain firm in their faith and refuse to flee, maintaining a witness for Jesus under extreme circumstances.
Empower’s Response in the Middle East
The most effective and powerful way to reach the people of MENA with the Gospel of Christ is by providing them with the Word of God and by demonstrating compassionate love and assistance to the hurt and suffering.
Empower works alongside ministries in MENA that produce and distribute Bibles, New Testaments, study Bibles, children’s Bibles, and other material designed for evangelistic outreach as well as biblical discipleship. The Bible is therefore being printed and distributed in classical Arabic, as well as in an exciting new format which has been penned as “Write the Way We Talk”. The following is an explanation from one of Empower’s main national ministry partners in the region on the difference in verbal and written Arabic style.
“The Arabic language is unique. What we read and write is very different from how we talk! All Arab countries read and write the same “classical Arabic” but the spoken Arabic is different in each country, and it can be so different that we do not understand each other! Our heart language as Arabic speakers is the language we talk. All Arabic books are written in classical Arabic. Nobody speaks classical Arabic, if we do, it would sound like Shakespearean English to an English speaker! There are hardly any publications in our heart language.”
This is why Empower has an extensive partnership with this ministry to produce Scriptural material that captures the “heart language” of the people and communicates clearly the Word of God to those who sincerely desire a close walk with Jesus.
Give to ScriptureCompassionate Love and Assistance
Due to security constraints, a full description of “How, Where and Through Whom” Empower operates can not be fully disclosed. However, suffice it to say, Empower comes alongside national ministries that seek to:
1) rebuild the lives of those who are widowed or orphaned,
2) aid those who are suffering under destructive wars and civil unrest by providing food, medicine, and shelter,
3) providing physical assistance in times of natural disasters,
4) assisting with educational and medical aid to those who are impoverished and destitute.
In each of these situations, the love of God is demonstrated at the same time as the message of the Gospel is clearly presented to those ministered to at the appropriate time and in the appropriate manner. The Word of God is always a prime ingredient in reconstructing the lives of the needy and forsaken.
Give to Compassionate Love and AssistanceOther Countries We Work In
Empower Ministries operates all over the world — from Canada to Burma, from Israel to India, and beyond. We believe there has never been a better time to equip people to share the Gospel.